Back in action
So it has been a long time since I have posted here because I thought no one reads it but I think just for my sake I am going to talk about the kids here. Today was a fun day with Ephriam! It snowed for the first time this year and it was really Ephriam's first snow that he has been able to play in. It was a wonderful time. Ephriam liked throwing snowballs at mommy and daddy. He tried to help me do a snow angel by laying on top of me but he only was sucessful at getting my pants wet. Daddy built 2 snowman one for him to look at and one that he "helped" daddy do. We really enjoyed being outside with him. I know you are wondering where was the baby while we were doing this? She was napping and we were playing outside here room so that I could hear if she woke up. When we got in I got her up and then made Ephriam his first cup of hot cocoa. Don't worry I made it just warm enough for his sippy cup. He sucked it down in 5 minutes flat. I really think that he liked it. Well I need to post to the other blog and hit the hay.
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